
"Performance is completion of a task with application of knowledge, skills and abilities."
- Wikipedia

Was ist Performance Coaching?

Performance Coaching hilft Ihnen Ihre Ziele einfach und wirksam zu erreichen.

Performancecoaching in Berlin

Sie stehen bei uns im Fokus. Wir unterstützen Sie mit unserer großen Erfahrung als Performancecoach und mit Herz. Und wir konzentrieren uns in jedem Augenblick auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse, damit Sie Ihr Ziel in kürzester Zeit und so einfach wie möglich erreichen.


Was schreibt die Wikipedia über Performance?

„In work place, performance or job performance means good ranking with the hypothesized conception of requirements of a role. There are two types of job performances: contextual and task. Task performance is related to cognitive ability while contextual performance is dependent upon personality.[2] Task performance are behavioral roles that are recognized in job descriptions and by remuneration systems, they are directly related to organizational performance, whereas, contextual performance are value based and additional behavioral roles that are not recognized in job descriptions and covered by compensation; they are extra roles that are indirectly related to organizational performance.[3] Citizenship performance like contextual performance means a set of individual activity/contribution (prosocial organizational behavior) that supports the organizational culture.“ Wikipedia

„Coaching refers to guidance and feedback about specific knowledge, skills, and abilities involved in a task. (Coaching bezieht sich auf die Anleitung und die Rückmeldung zu spezifischem Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Fähigkeiten für eine bestimmte Aufgabe.)“
– Bernard. M. Bass: The Bass Handbook of Leadership, Theory, Research & Managerial Applications. 4. Auflage. New York 2008, S. 1091 Wikipedia

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Ihr Performancecoach in Berlin
